食材 Ingredient List
食材 (Ingredients) | 分量 (Quantity) |
藍莓 (Blueberries) | 250g |
糖 (Sugar) | 45g + 10g + 3g |
檸檬汁 (Lemon Juice) | 10g |
牛奶 (Milk) | 350g |
藍莓果醬 (Blueberry Jam) | 100g |
淡奶油 (Whipping Cream) | 150g + 50g |
吉利丁片 (Gelatine Sheet) | 10g |
工具 Tool List
- 小鍋 (Small Pot)
- 攪拌器 (Whisk)
- 濾網 (Sieve)
- 冷藏容器 (Refrigeration Containers)
- 打蛋器 (Mixer)
步驟 Instructions
- 製作藍莓果醬 (Make Blueberry Jam)
- 將250g藍莓、45g糖和10g檸檬汁放入小鍋中,熬成藍莓果醬。
(In a small pot, combine 250g blueberries, 45g sugar, and 10g lemon juice, and simmer into a blueberry jam.) - 果醬煮好後,將其貼面冷藏保存。
(Once the jam is ready, cover it and refrigerate.)
- 將250g藍莓、45g糖和10g檸檬汁放入小鍋中,熬成藍莓果醬。
- 加熱牛奶 (Heat the Milk)
- 將350g牛奶和10g糖放入小鍋中,小火加熱,不停攪拌。
(In the same small pot, heat 350g milk and 10g sugar over low heat, stirring continuously.) - 當邊緣微微冒泡時,離火。
(Remove from heat when small bubbles appear along the edges.)
- 將350g牛奶和10g糖放入小鍋中,小火加熱,不停攪拌。
- 加入吉利丁片 (Add Gelatine)
- 將10g吉利丁片加入溫熱牛奶中,攪拌至完全溶解。
(Add 10g gelatine sheet to the warm milk and stir until completely dissolved.)
- 將10g吉利丁片加入溫熱牛奶中,攪拌至完全溶解。
- 混合藍莓果醬與奶油 (Mix Blueberry Jam and Cream)
- 將100g藍莓果醬和150g淡奶油加入牛奶中,攪拌均勻。
(Add 100g blueberry jam and 150g whipping cream to the milk mixture and stir well.) - 過篩兩遍,確保質地細膩。
(Strain the mixture twice to ensure smooth texture.)
- 將100g藍莓果醬和150g淡奶油加入牛奶中,攪拌均勻。
- 冷藏奶凍 (Refrigerate the Pudding)
- 將混合物倒入容器中,冷藏3小時至凝固。
(Pour the mixture into containers and refrigerate for 3 hours until set.)
- 將混合物倒入容器中,冷藏3小時至凝固。
- 製作奶油頂層 (Make Cream Topping)
- 將50g淡奶油與3g糖打發至濃稠,類似酸奶狀。
(Whip 50g whipping cream with 3g sugar until thick, resembling yogurt.) - 淋在凝固的奶凍上,最後可以加入紫薯粉或藍莓作為裝飾。
(Pour the cream over the set pudding and decorate with purple sweet potato powder or blueberries.)
- 將50g淡奶油與3g糖打發至濃稠,類似酸奶狀。