蜂蜜鬆餅 Honey Pancake | 食譜 Recipe & Ingredients

by RosyArts

食材 Ingredient List

食材表 (Ingredients)分量 (Quantity)
雞蛋 (Eggs)2顆 (2 large)
低筋麵粉 (Cake Flour)200g
泡打粉 (Baking Powder)10g
細砂糖 (Granulated Sugar)60g
牛奶 (Milk)160g
黃油液體 (Melted Butter)10g
檸檬汁 (Lemon Juice)10g

工具 Tool List

用具表 (Tools)
平底鍋 (Frying Pan)
打蛋器 (Whisk)
鍋鏟 (Spatula)

步驟 Instructions

  1. 準備麵糊 (Prepare the Batter)
    • 將雞蛋、低筋麵粉、泡打粉、細砂糖、牛奶、黃油液體和檸檬汁放入碗中。
      (Place eggs, cake flour, baking powder, sugar, milk, melted butter, and lemon juice in a bowl.)
    • 用打蛋器攪拌均勻,直到無顆粒。
      (Whisk until smooth and free of lumps.)
  2. 煎鬆餅 (Cook the Pancakes)
    • 平底鍋加熱,倒入適量麵糊,小火煎至表面起泡。
      (Heat the frying pan and pour a portion of the batter. Cook over low heat until bubbles form on the surface.)
  3. 加上黃油和蜂蜜 (Add Butter and Honey)
    • 將煎好的鬆餅疊在一起,並在每片上放一小塊黃油和淋上蜂蜜。
      (Stack the cooked pancakes and top each with a small piece of butter and a drizzle of honey.)

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