海藍椰椰千層蛋糕 Ocean Blue Coconut Crepe Cake | 食譜 Recipe & Ingredients

by RosyArts

食材 Ingredient List

食材表 (Ingredients)分量 (Quantity)
雞蛋 (Eggs)2 (large)
白砂糖 (Sugar)20g
低筋麵粉 (Cake Flour)100g
蝶豆花 (Butterfly Pea Flowers)8g
牛奶 (Milk)300g
玉米油 (Corn Oil)25g
淡奶油 (Heavy Cream)500g + 150g
白砂糖 (Sugar)30g + 10g
螺豆花粉 (Butterfly Pea Powder)8g
椰子粉 (Coconut Powder)30g
椰蓉 (Desiccated Coconut)適量 (as needed)

工具 Tool List

用具表 (Tools)
6吋模具 (6-inch mold)
不沾鍋 (Non-stick pan)
篩網 (Sieve)
打蛋器 (Whisk)
鍋鏟 (Spatula)
塑膠袋 (Plastic piping bag)
打發器 (Mixer)
小碗 (Small bowl)

步驟 Instructions

  1. 準備蝶豆花牛奶 (Prepare Butterfly Pea Milk)
    (Soak butterfly pea flowers in warm milk and set aside.)
  2. 製作蝶豆花千層皮 (Make Butterfly Pea Crepe Layers)
    • 在碗中加入雞蛋和白砂糖,攪拌均勻。
      (In a bowl, add eggs and sugar, mix well.)
    • 加入低筋麵粉,再次攪拌至無顆粒。
      (Add cake flour and mix until smooth.)
    • 過篩後,將蝶豆花牛奶倒入麵糊中,攪拌均勻。
      (Strain and pour in the butterfly pea milk, stir well.)
    • 加入玉米油,攪拌均勻後再次過篩。靜置30分鐘。
      (Add corn oil, stir evenly, strain again, and let it rest for 30 minutes.)
  3. 煎千層皮 (Cook Crepe Layers)
    • 小火加熱不沾鍋,倒入麵糊。煎至表面冒泡即可。
      (Heat a non-stick pan over low heat, pour in the batter, and cook until bubbles appear on the surface.)
    • 每片煎好的皮用6吋模具壓成圓形。
      (Press each cooked crepe into a 6-inch circle using the mold.)
  4. 製作海藍椰子奶油 (Make Coconut Cream Filling)
    • 淡奶油500g加入白砂糖30g、螺豆花粉8g和椰子粉30g,打發至硬挺。
      (Whip 500g heavy cream with 30g sugar, 8g butterfly pea powder, and 30g coconut powder until stiff peaks form.)
    • (選擇性)加入藍色色素調色。
      (Optional: add blue food coloring for color.)
    • 將打發好的奶油裝入塑膠袋備用。
      (Transfer the whipped cream into a piping bag.)
  5. 組裝蛋糕 (Assemble the Cake)
    • 交替堆疊一層奶油和一層煎好的千層皮。
      (Layer the cake by alternating a layer of cream and a layer of crepe.)
    • 蛋糕冷藏2小時。
      (Refrigerate the cake for 2 hours.)
  6. 抹面與裝飾 (Frost and Decorate the Cake)
    • 淡奶油150g和白砂糖10g打發後抹在蛋糕外層。
      (Whip 150g heavy cream with 10g sugar and frost the cake.)
    • 最後撒上椰蓉作為裝飾。
      (Finish by sprinkling desiccated coconut on top as decoration.)

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