牛奶肌芋泥貝果 Purple Gradient Taro Bagel | 食譜 Recipe & Ingredients

by RosyArts


Ingredient QuantityUsage (用法)
芋頭 / Taro400g芋泥餡 / Taro Filling
糖 / Sugar20g芋泥餡 / Taro Filling
熱牛奶 / Hot Milk100g芋泥餡 / Taro Filling
紫薯粉 / Purple Sweet Potato Powder10g芋泥餡 / Taro Filling
煉乳 / Condensed Milk20g芋泥餡 / Taro Filling
奶油 / Butter25g芋泥餡 / Taro Filling
高筋麵粉 / Bread Flour300g麵團 / Dough
奶粉 / Milk Powder10g麵團 / Dough
酵母 / Yeast3g麵團 / Dough
冰水 / Ice Water175g麵團 / Dough
鹽 / Salt3g麵團 / Dough
紫薯粉 (麵團用) / Purple Sweet Potato Powder (for dough)4g麵團 / Dough


Tool Usage
刀 / Knife切芋頭 / Cutting taro
蒸籠 / Steamer蒸芋頭 / Steaming taro
料理機 / Food Processor打芋泥餡 / Blending taro filling
鍋子 / Pan炒芋泥餡 / Cooking taro filling
刮刀 / Spatula攪拌與翻炒芋泥 / Stirring and mixing the taro filling
裱花袋 / Piping Bag裱花芋泥餡 / Piping taro filling
麵團切割器 / Dough Cutter切割麵團 / Cutting dough
桿麵棍 / Rolling Pin擀麵團 / Rolling out the dough
烘焙紙 / Parchment Paper烤盤鋪底 / Lining baking sheet
烤盤 / Baking Sheet烘烤貝果 / Baking bagels
烤箱 / Oven烘烤貝果 / Baking bagels


Taro Filling Preparation:

💠 Cut the taro into pieces and steam for about 25 minutes until fully cooked.
💠 While still hot, place the steamed taro into a food processor.
💠 Add 400g of taro, 20g of sugar, 100g of hot milk, 10g of purple sweet potato powder, and 20g of condensed milk to the food processor, and blend until smooth.
💠 Transfer the blended taro mixture to a pan, add 25g of butter, and cook over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens and no longer sticks to the spatula or the pan.
💠 Place the taro filling into a piping bag, pipe into long strips (about 50g each), cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until ready to use.

Purple Gradient Dough Preparation:

💠 Combine 300g of bread flour, 10g of milk powder, 3g of yeast, and 175g of ice water, and knead into a dough.
💠 Add 10g of butter and 3g of salt, and continue kneading until the dough forms a thick membrane, keeping the dough temperature around 21°C.
💠 Divide the dough in half, and add 4g of purple sweet potato powder to one half to create the purple dough.
💠 If the dough is difficult to knead evenly during the coloring process, use a scraper to cut the dough into small pieces, and then knead with the palm of your hand. Be mindful not to let the temperature exceed 23°C; if it does, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer for a few minutes to relax before kneading again. Repeat this process twice if needed until the color is evenly distributed.

Combining the Dough:

💠 Cut both the plain and purple dough into small pieces and randomly combine them into a single dough.
💠 Divide the combined dough into 6 equal portions, about 85g each, and roll them into balls. Chill in the refrigerator or freezer for 10-15 minutes to relax the dough (depending on your working environment’s temperature).

Bagel Shaping and Cooking:

💠 Roll out the relaxed dough into thin sheets and flip them over.
💠 Adjust the length based on your desired bagel shape: for a rounder, plumper bagel, roll to 18-20cm; for a bagel with a larger hole, roll to 22-24cm.
💠 Place the taro filling inside the dough, roll it up, and pinch the bottom to seal. Flatten one end to about 2cm, and wrap it around the other end, pinching to seal the seam.
💠 Place the bagels on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and proof at 30°C for 30 minutes.
💠 Bring water to a boil (90°C) and reduce to the lowest heat. Boil each side of the bagels for 20 seconds. Place them on a baking sheet lined with a baking mat to prevent sticking (the longer you boil, the chewier the bagels; shorter boiling times will create a diamond pattern on the surface).
💠 Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C. Bake the bagels on the lower-middle rack for 18-20 minutes. If the bagels brown too quickly, cover with aluminum foil to prevent over-browning.

These bagels not only look beautiful but are also delicious with their creamy taro filling. Give them a try!



💠 芋頭切塊,蒸約25分鐘至熟透。
💠 將蒸熟的芋頭趁熱放入料理機。
💠 加入芋頭400克、糖20克、熱牛奶100克、紫薯粉10克、煉乳20克,攪打至細膩。
💠 將打好的芋泥倒入鍋中,加入奶油25克,用中小火翻炒約10分鐘,直到水分收乾,芋泥呈現不黏刮刀、不黏鍋的狀態。
💠 把芋泥裝入裱花袋,擠成長條狀,每條約50克。蓋上保鮮膜,放入冰箱冷藏備用。


💠 準備高筋麵粉300克、奶粉10克、酵母3克、冰水175克,揉成麵團。
💠 加入奶油10克和鹽3克,繼續揉至出現厚膜,麵團溫度控制在21度左右。
💠 將麵團分成兩半,其中一半加入4克紫薯粉調色。
💠 在調色過程中,若發現麵團不容易揉勻,可用刮板將麵團切碎,再用手掌根部揉搓。需注意溫度不可超過23度,若溫度過高,可將麵團包上保鮮膜放入冷凍室鬆弛幾分鐘,再繼續揉搓。重複操作兩次即可揉勻。


💠 將兩種顏色的麵團(原味與紫薯)各自切碎成小塊,隨意組合成新的麵團。
💠 將麵團平均分成6份,每份約85克,揉圓後放入冰箱冷藏或冷凍鬆弛10-15分鐘(根據當時操作溫度決定使用冷藏或冷凍)。


💠 將鬆弛好的麵團擀薄後翻面。
💠 根據喜好決定貝果的長度:喜歡圓胖款式的可搓成18-20公分;喜歡中間圈圈大一點的可搓長至22-24公分。
💠 將芋泥餡包入麵團內,捲起來後底部捏緊。一端擀平2公分,包入另一端,收口處捏緊。
💠 在底部墊上烘焙紙,放在30度環境中發酵30分鐘。
💠 將水煮至90度後轉至最小火,將貝果兩面各煮20秒。煮好的貝果放入烤盤時,需墊上烘焙墊以防黏住烤盤(煮的時間越長,貝果的口感越有嚼勁;煮的時間越短,表面越容易出現鑽石紋)。
💠 烤箱預熱至220度/200度,將貝果放在中下層烘烤18-20分鐘。若貝果膨脹後上色過深,可蓋上鋁箔紙以防止顏色過深。

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