巴斯克奶酪蛋糕 Basque Cheesecake | 食譜 Recipe & 材料表 Ingredients

by RosyArts

Ingredients List

材料 (Ingredients)分量 (Amount)
室溫軟化的奶油奶酪 (Cream cheese softened at room temperature)350g
白砂糖 (Granulated sugar)70g
室溫的全蛋液 (3 whole eggs at room temperature)3顆
室溫的蛋黃 (1 egg yolk at room temperature)1顆
淡奶油 (Heavy cream)185g
玉米澱粉 (Cornstarch)12g
用具 (Tools)
攪拌盆 (Mixing bowl)
攪拌器 (Mixer)
篩網 (Sieve)
烘焙紙 (Parchment paper)
6寸模具 (6-inch mold)
烤箱 (Oven)


  1. 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 預熱烤箱至215°C (Preheat the oven to 215°C/419°F).
    • 在6寸模具內鋪上烘焙紙 (Line a 6-inch mold with parchment paper).
  2. 混合奶酪與糖 Mix Cream Cheese and Sugar:
    • 將室溫軟化的奶油奶酪放入攪拌盆中,加入白砂糖 (Place the softened cream cheese in a mixing bowl and add granulated sugar).
    • 用攪拌器攪打至細膩、無顆粒 (Beat until smooth and lump-free).
  3. 加入蛋液 Add Eggs:
    • 逐次加入室溫的全蛋液和蛋黃,每次加入後攪拌均勻 (Gradually add the whole eggs and egg yolk, mixing well after each addition).
  4. 加入淡奶油和玉米澱粉 Add Heavy Cream and Cornstarch:
    • 加入淡奶油和玉米澱粉,攪拌均勻 (Add the heavy cream and cornstarch to the mixture, and mix until well combined).
    • 將混合物過篩,使其更細膩 (Strain the mixture through a sieve for a smoother texture).
  5. 烘烤 Baking:
    • 將混合物倒入已鋪好烘焙紙的模具中 (Pour the mixture into the prepared mold).
    • 放入烤箱中下層,以215°C烘烤28分鐘 (Place the mold on the middle-lower rack of the oven and bake at 215°C/419°F for 28 minutes).
    • 烘烤時間和溫度可能因烤箱差異而有所不同,請根據自家烤箱調整 (Baking time and temperature may vary depending on your oven, so adjust accordingly).
  6. 冷卻與冷藏 Cooling and Refrigeration:
    • 烤好後,讓蛋糕在室溫下靜置1小時 (After baking, let the cake sit at room temperature for 1 hour).
    • 然後放入冰箱冷藏過夜 (Then, refrigerate overnight).
  7. 享用 Enjoy:
    • 次日取出蛋糕,口感冰涼,奶香濃郁 (The next day, take out the cheesecake. It will have a cool texture with a rich, creamy flavor). 享用美味的奶酪蛋糕 (Enjoy your delicious creamy cheesecake)!

備註 Notes:

  • 請根據自家烤箱特性調整烘烤時間和溫度 (Adjust baking time and temperature based on your oven’s characteristics).


Video Transcript


室溫軟化的奶油奶酪 350g
Cream cheese softened at room temperature, 350g

白砂糖 70g
Granulated sugar, 70g

Beat until smooth and no lumps


3 whole eggs + 1 egg yolk at room temperature

Mix until well combined


淡奶油 185g
Heavy cream, 185g

玉米澱粉 12g
Cornstarch, 12g

Mix until well combined

過一遍篩 更細膩
Strain through a sieve for a smoother texture


6寸模具 墊烘焙紙
Line a 6-inch mold with parchment paper

烤箱中下層 215°C 28分鐘
Middle-lower rack of the oven, 215°C for 28 minutes
(Note: Baking time and temperature may vary depending on the oven)

烤好後,室溫下靜止1小時 再放入冰箱冷藏過夜
Let it sit at room temperature for 1 hour after baking, then refrigerate overnight

口感冰涼 奶香濃郁!
The texture is cool and creamy, with a rich milk flavor!

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